

The THRiVE Discovery Lab co-Directed by Dr. Meghan Azad and Natalie Rodriguez is situated at the University of Manitoba and Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM). Azad and Rodriguez co-Direct the Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Centre (MILC) and Dr. Azad is Deputy Director of the national CHILD Cohort Study. ​The team studies how early-life exposures and experiences shape lifelong health, focusing on infant […]

The new ENRICH website has been launched and pathways of access (which includes the ENRICH salary awards) are now open. The Enrichment Program will provide training in advanced competencies for a select group of learners, offering personalized mentorship, and experiential learning opportunities. Visit for more information. (previously the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program)

The Observatory for Children’s Education and Health, in collaboration with a Canadian pediatric platform project, is looking for a statistician for a pan-Canadian research and administrative data analysis project. Under the supervision of Dre Sylvana Côté (Researcher at the CHUSJ and Professor at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal) and the […]

The CNPRM offers practitioners, research investigators and trainees opportunities to learn about the latest discoveries and product development in maternal and paternal pre-conception health for neonatal health, and fetal and newborn health research for application to maternal and newborn primary care and policy. Themes include: Neonatology Perinatal Epidemiology MFM – Maternal Medicine DOHaD, Reproduction, Placental […]

The goal of the Mental Health in the Early Years (MHITEY) Implementation Science Team Grants funding opportunity is to fund implementation science research that enhances our understanding of how to improve the systematic and equitable implementation of evidence-based interventions for young children (i.e., girls, boys and gender diverse children ages 0-5) and their caregivers that address one […]

This course focuses on the evolution of knowledge on the developmental origin of health and diseases from the discoveries of Barker in the 1980s. Among the topics covered: influence of the maternal and paternal environment on the health of children, both in humans and in animal models; epidemiological observations; molecular analyzes, in particular in connection […]

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