Who we are

Who we are

About us

The Research Network on the Developmental and Intergenerational Origins of Children’s Health is the result of the FRQS-supported merger of the Réseau québécois en reproduction et en fertilité and the Réseau de recherche sur les déterminants périnataux de la santé de l’enfant.

It focuses on all preconceptional and perinatal processes that have an impact on the child’s overall health.



The network’s mission is to structure interdisciplinary research on the early determinants of children’s mental and physical health. The network brings together clinicians, researchers, families and decision-makers. Members work from a life-cycle perspective, where the child in turn becomes a parent.


Federate expertise and resources that are currently dispersed. This expertise includes biomedical and social science researchers, as well as health, social services and public health workers.

Catalyze provincial, federal and philanthropic research funds to study and prevent reproductive disorders and adverse early life conditions and their consequences.

Accelerate the identification, validation and implementation of innovative preventive or therapeutic approaches likely to have an impact on children’s overall health.

Train the next generation of scientific experts, researchers and clinicians in an innovative, multidisciplinary research environment.

Include families and communities in defining research priorities on the determinants of overall child health.

Mobilize knowledge and be the international scientific reference on the determinants of reproductive and child health for researchers from all disciplines, caregivers, administrators and communities.



Registry, databases and biospecimens (preclinical models)

Network charter

To know more about the ODISE Network’s structure and objectives, consult the network’s charter.

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