Our executive committee

Anne Monique Nuyt, MD
Full Professor of Pediatrics, Université de Montréal
Director and Head, Department of Pediatrics, CHU Sainte-Justine
Director, ODISÉ Network
Dr. Nuyt is a clinician-researcher, holding a Canada Research Chair (CRC) level 1 "Prematurity and the developmental origins of cardiovascular health and disease". She leads an extensive translational research program (CIHR). She holds strategic
national positions in both research and clinical organization.

Sarah Kimmins, Ph.D.
Full Professor, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, CRCHUM, Université de Montréal
Director of the ODISÉ network
Dr. Sarah Kimmins is a Full Professor in the in the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology at the University of Montreal, Canada and her research team is located at the Hospital Research Center of the University of Montreal (CRCHUM). She was awarded a Junior then Senior Canada Research Chair as a professor at McGill University, Montreal (2005-2022). Her achievements in reproduction and fertility have been recognized with multiple international research awards. She was the co-director of the McGill Center for Research in Reproduction and Development, served on numerous international society committees as Chair and as an Executive Council Member. She was the Andrology Chair for the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, is a working group member of the international Male Reproductive Health Initiative funded by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and is on the Executive Council of the Canadian Epigenetics and Environment Health Research Consortium. She has published her work in Science, Nature, Nature Communications and Developmental Cell. Her research focus is paternal health and how environmental exposures (diet, BMI, toxicants) alter fertility, clinical outcomes, the sperm epigenome, embryo development and health of offspring. Her research has been featured in more than 100 national and international popular press publications including: Time magazine, the New York Times, the Economist, the LA Times, the Washington Post, and the Times UK. Her mission is to drive research and policy that invests in human health before birth, to give each child the best start in life.

Gina Muckle, Ph.D.
Full Professor, School of Psychology, Université Laval
Researcher, CRCHU de Québec
Associate Director, ODISÉ Network
Dr. Muckle is Director of the "Population Health and Optimal Health Practices" axis at the CRCHU de Québec. Her work on prenatal determinants of child development (CIHR, FRQS, NIH) focuses on environmental contaminants and prenatal
cannabis. She has contributed to major prospective cohorts initiated in pregnancy (3D, MIREC, Inuit cohort).

Daniel J. Bernard, Ph.D.
Full Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University
Associate Director of the ODISÉ network
Dr Bernard is an expert in neuroendocrine control of reproduction. He sits on the steering committees of the leading international learned societies in his field and contributes to their scientific programming. With Dr. Kimmins, he co-directed the Quebec Reproductive Network (RQR) for the years 2017-2024. He was Director of McGill's Centre for Research in Reproduction and Development (CRRD) (2014-2018). He has served on the boards of the CRD (2019-2022) and the Endocrine Society (2016-2019). He is currently on the steering committee of ENDO, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society (2023-2026). He will be the director of the Frontiers in Reproduction course until 2029.